£140.00/month(ex. tax)
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Billed every month
Total (ex. tax)

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Your storage requirements

Any day from today to 30th March.

Security deposit

Upon booking, a refundable security deposit will be charged. It's returned upon vacating, unless damages or other terms are not met. If you cancel before move in day, the deposit will be returned in full.

Deposit amount

Please note

One months rent is required as a refundable security deposit which is invoiced, This Will Be Taken On The Day Of your booking and will be automatically deducted from the card set up for your account.

If you have any questions please email us enquiries@store24storage.com 

Before we send you instructions on how to enter the storage yard. We need you to complete the setup verification/contact this can be accessed once an account is created it takes 5mins. 

(If you have not received an email with instructions on how to access the site please contact us enquiries@store24storage.com 
We will use the mobile phone number provided to register you onto our gate) 
Payments are secure and encrypted.

20ft Container

150 Square Foot

£140.00/month(ex. tax)
Show order summary
Billed every month
Total (ex. tax)
Billed once, today
Security deposit
Total (ex. tax)